Medical Tests are Normal..

Regarding my health, medical checkup shows I am perfect, even after master checkup. Please advice me for my health problems, from 7 years i.e., from 2003.

Ketu-Ketu upto May, 2011

Saturn Sadesati upto Oct, 2017


Dear friend;

In your chart, the natural significator of health, the Sun is in the eighth. It makes one worried, impatient and vulnerable to bad habits. If you have illicit relationship, try to give it up. Sun causes ailments like gastric problems, venereal diseases and leprosy and with the accompanying Mercury it might affect the lungs. You are likely to suffer from urinary infection.

The dasha of Ketu and the Sani Sadesati indicates karmic problems.


For Ketu : Propitiate Lord Ganeshji. Offer sweet roti to dogs

For Sun : Recite Aditya Hridayam Stotra

For Saturn : (a) Develop philosophical attitude, moral values and ethics. (b) Respect Monks, Beggers, Old and Crippled, Poor and Orphans (c) Shift your kitchen in Eastern part of the house. (d) Recite Shanaiswar Stotram. (e) Avoid speculations and addictions. (f) Appreciate the power of Time and the fact that the world wont function to your sweet wishes. Dilution of Personal Ego should be your life long Goal.

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