Aslesha Nakshtra Dosha
If you know astrology :
Have a look at your horoscope. If you have Moon in Aslesha Nakshatra don't just get carried away with the wide spread rumors, you need to see carefully and only if your Moon is in the 4th Pada and if you see any adverse impact on the life of your mother's health, you need to perform remedies . Please do not go by the strong worded stanzas of classical books about demerits of this nakshtra. They are largely exaggerated. Know that native with this nakshtra are mostly outstanding human beings. Also note that birth in the 1st pada of Aslesha bestows rajayoga upon the native.
If you Don't know astrology :
Here is a self-check to see if you have effective Ashlesha Dosha.
Do you feel that you very frequently turn anguished?
Do you have unrest within you smoldering all the time?
Do you keep watching for opportunities to settle scores with your opponents?
Do you find it difficult to forgive people even for the small bad they caused to you?
Do you get furious if someone breaches your customized comfort, be it place or position?
If you have 'Yes' for answer to most of these questions; you have an active impact of Aslesha Dosha and you should perform parihar for it. For remedies, click here.